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  • Its Not Too Late to Become Financially Literate

    Financial literacy is crucial to a solid financial future and an enjoyable retirement. No matter your age, when you understand how to manage your money and finances, you can make sound financial decisions and take the needed steps toward your financial goals. So, if you are approaching retirement and want to improve your financial literacy,

    April 4, 2024
  • Social Security Simplified Common Questions and Answers

    Most American workers who earn wage income and pay Social Security taxes via withholding receive Social Security benefits at some point in retirement. While the Social Security Administration has tried to make the process easier to understand and navigate, many questions remain. Whether you are getting close to retirement or even if retirement is still

    April 4, 2024
  • 6 Tips for Reaching and Managing Older Workers

    A solid workplace will be diverse and filled with employees of various ages. This diversity can help the business continue as more seasoned workers can provide examples for and train younger ones, and can also make room for better creativity and opportunities for growth. If you have this diversity, you have taken a great step

    March 6, 2024
  • The Great Wealth Transfer Women, Are You Ready?

    A great wealth transfer is coming as the Baby Boomer generation moves on, and women are likely to be the largest beneficiaries of passed-down wealth. Women are also building their own wealth despite continuing gender wage discrepancies between men and women. Women continue to climb the corporate ladder in greater numbers than previous generations, moving

    March 6, 2024
  • 2023/2024 Tax Season at a Glance Guide

    Click Here to download our 2023 / 2024 tax guide to help you this tax season.

    January 31, 2024
  • You want to start a business? Now what?

    Starting a new business is no small feat. It involves several of steps, from the early planning stages to filling out the necessary legal documents. Here are 10 steps to consider when starting a new business. 1. Create a business plan A well-defined business plan is essential because it helps establish achievable goals and a

    January 31, 2024
  • Empower Your Loved One: Encourage Independence

    Regardless of age, we all value our independence. We like to come and go as we please, running errands, going grocery shopping, and driving to appointments. But what happens when an aging parent, spouse, or relative is no longer physically able to drive or shop for everyday items? What if cognitive impairment creates an unsafe

    January 31, 2024
  • Tax Prep Checklist: Everything You Need to Be Ready for Tax Season

    Regardless of whether you prepare your taxes yourself or use a professional’s services, it’s a good idea to gather the information and documentation you need well in advance of your actual tax filing date. Below, we’ve listed some key information you need when preparing this year’s taxes. Your Personal Information The personal information you may

    January 3, 2024
  • A Path to Setting and Reaching Your Financial Goals in the New Year

    What if you focused on your system instead of just your goals? Setting goals for a new year can feel overwhelming.  We all know that resolutions don’t last, but we also feel the energy that comes with a new year of possibilities. Here’s a clearer path for setting and reaching your goals. Many of us

    January 3, 2024
  • 2023/2024 Quick View Tax Guide

    Click Here to download our 2023 /2024 quick-view tax guide to help you this tax season.

    December 28, 2023
  • Outlook 2024: A Turning Point

    LPL Research’s Outlook 2024: A Turning Point provides insight and analysis into next year’s opportunities, challenges, and potential surprises. View the full copy below.

    December 14, 2023
  • A 12 Days of Christmas Financial Planning Checklist

    The Christmas season is an excellent time of the year to review your financial planning strategy. Our finances are top of mind as most of us are monitoring our spending as the holiday and new year approaches. We can look back over the year, draw from our wins and losses, and get an idea of

    December 1, 2023